The Faculty of Economics at UniDistance Suisse offers a bachelor's degree in economics and management in French and a bachelor's degree in economics in German. It also offers short specialisation programmes in French as well as continuing education programmes.
The faculty's research activities in behavioural economics focus on environment and organisations. 

What is new in the Faculty of Economics

Design institutionnel et décisions économiques

Professeur assistant au sein de la Faculté d’économie, Michael Kurschilgen étudie la manière dont les conditions-cadres institutionnelles (impôts,…

Portrait of Prof. Dr. Michael Kurschilgen, Prof. Dr. Anthony Strittmatter, and Prof. Dr. Manuel Grieder

UniDistance Suisse in the Board of the Swiss Society for Economics and Statistics (SSES)

Prof. Dr. Anthony Strittmatter, Full Professor of Economics, is the first representative of UniDistance Suisse to be elected to the SSES Board.

1st Matterhorn Symposium on Behavior, Institutions, and Cooperation

UniDistance Suisse proudly hosted the 1st Matterhorn Symposium on Behavior, Institutions, and Cooperation from October 19 to 21, 2023. 50 researchers…

Photo portrait de Michael Kurschligen

How do moral appeals influence people’s fairness judgments?

In his latest research paper, Prof. Dr Michael Kurschilgen, Assistant Professor of Economics at UniDistance Suisse, considers some of the challenges…

Portraitfoto von Tanguy Darbellay

Westschweizer Ringer rettete zwölf Menschen aus der Ukraine

Tanguy Darbellay, Ringer und Student der FernUni Schweiz, wurde kürzlich für die Rettungsaktion von Ukrainerinnen und Ukrainern ausgezeichnet.

Portrait de Ramon Zenhäusern

Comment remporter l'or aux JO et réussir ses études

Pour Ramon Zenhäusern, champion olympique de ski alpin, étudier en ligne répondait à un besoin primordial : la flexibilité.

Lire l'article sur notre…

Photo portrait de Michael Kurschligen

Does the Threat of Overthrow Discipline the Elites? Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment

new paper from our Assistant Professor in Economics, Michael Kurschilgen, was published in the Journal of Legal Studies. Together with his…

eine Person wird geimpft

Meinungsblasen beeinflussen Impfentscheidungen - ein neuer Artikel von Prof. Dr. Michael Kurschilgen

Prof. Dr. Michael Kurschilgen, Assistenzprofessor in Wirtschaft der FernUni Schweiz, hat kürzlich einen Artikel über die Dynamiken der…

A lecturer

Neues Forschungsseminar: Swiss V-BEERS (Virtual Behavioural and Experimental Economics Research Seminar)

Die Fakultät Wirtschaft lanciert eine neue Seminarreihe «Swiss V-BEERS» zum Themenbereich Verhaltens- und Experimentalökonomie. Diese Veranstaltungen…

Improving cartel screening with machine learning

David Imhof, who teaches in the French-speaking Bachelor's in Economics and Management, recently published 3 papers about cartel screening.

Falling Walls Conference – Appel mondial à candidatures

À l’occasion de l’anniversaire de la chute du Mur de Berlin, la Falling Walls Foundation accueille, à Berlin, les personnes qui imaginent des…

Bourse et marchés financiers : interview du chargé de cours Dušan Isakov à la RTS

La dernière édition de l’émission radio « Dis, pourquoi » de la RTS s’est intéressée à la bourse et aux marchés financiers.

Faculty Team

Photo portrait de Renate SchubertProf. Dr Renate Schubert
Prof. Anthony Strittmatter
Full Professor
Programme Director Bachelor DE
Prof. Dr Michael Kurschilgen
Assistant Professor
Programme Director Bachelor F
Photo portrait de Manuel GriederProf. Dr Manuel Grieder
Assistant professor
Programme Director Master EN
Dipl. - Kff. Petra Köhler-Sauer
Faculty Manager Economics
Portrait de Jean-Paul DrozMA Jean-Paul Droz
Faculty Manager Bachelor in Economics and Management (French)
MSc Loris Schmid
Faculty Manager Bachelor in Economics and Management (German)
MSc Felix Schlüter
Faculty Manager Master in Economics, Business and Data Analytics (English)

Events of the Faculty of Economics

Information webinars
Thursday, 07.11.2024

Information webinar for the Master of Science in Economics, Business and Data Analytics
