The Faculty Council brings together all the professors and course directors of a faculty. The lecturers, assistants and students have two representatives in it respectively. The Faculty Council is led by the dean.

The areas of competence and missions of the Faculty Council are:

  • to award the academic degrees and diplomas of the faculty
  • to draw up the study plans
  • to elect the dean

It meets at least once a semester.

Prof. Dr Renate SchubertProf. Dr Renate SchubertDean
Prof. Manuel GriederProf. Manuel GriederAssistant professorProgramme Director Master EN
Prof. Dr Michael KurschilgenProf. Dr Michael KurschilgenAssistant ProfessorProgramme Director Bachelor F
Prof. Anthony StrittmatterProf. Anthony StrittmatterFull ProfessorProgramme Director Bachelor DE
Vacant / VakantLecturers' Representative DE
Prof. Cédric TilleProf. Cédric TilleLecturers' Representative FR
Dr Stefan MeyerDr Stefan MeyerAssistants' Representative DE
Dr Jean-Christian TisserandDr Jean-Christian TisserandAssistants' Representative FR
Katrin ZinkeStudents' Representative DE
Adeai Assis MehmetiAdeai Assis MehmetiStudents' Representative FR
MA Felix SchlüterMA Felix SchlüterFaculty ManagerMember with consultative vote
Dipl. - Kff. Petra KöhlerDipl. - Kff. Petra KöhlerFaculty Services Manager ad interimFaculty Manager – Economics (DE)
MA Jean-Paul DrozMA Jean-Paul DrozFaculty ManagerMember with consultative vote
MSc Loris SchmidMSc Loris SchmidFaculty ManagerMember with consultative vote