Advice and support

Bachelor and Master

Do you have questions on about your studies, admission or registration? Our Student Managers are there for you.

Telephone+41 840 840 870 (National calls are free of charge. Charges may apply to calls from abroad.)
Opening times

Monday - Friday (excluding public holidays)
Telephone : 8:30 - 11:30 am
E-mail :        8:00 am - 5:00 pm


Continuing Education


Do you have questions regarding human resources, finance, IT, communication and marketing or research? Would you like to contact a member of our executive team? Please contact us here:

Telephone +41 27 922 70 50


UniDistance Suisse
Schinerstrasse 18
3900 Brig

UniDistance Suisse is also located in these cities.

Contact form

You may also send us your request using the form below.

Appeals Commission

The Appeals Commission deals with appeals against decisions issued by Student Services, a head of programme, a dean or the Executive Board following complaints from students.

A decision fee of CHF 400 is payable when an appeal is lodged with the Appeals Commission. This fee must be paid when the appeal is lodged and is reimbursed if the appeal is accepted or exempted.

For further details, please refer to article 32 of the General study regulations applicable for Bachelor and Master degree courses and article 8 of the Fee regulations for Bachelor and for Master degree courses

Appeal Commission
UniDistance Suisse
Schinerstrasse 18
3900 Brig

Members of the Appeals Committee:

Prof. Dr. Bruno Pasquier, PrÀsident
Prof. Dr. Thomas Reber, Mitglied
Simone Föllmi, Mitglied
Robin Schimmelpfennig, Mitglied
Gisela Koller, Mitglied


Do you have any questions?

Our Student Managers will be glad to help you in French, German or English.
  • Portrait of Jean-Paul Droz
  • Portrait of Federico Elia
  • Portrait of Marina Mayor
  • Portrait of CĂ©line Pellissier
  • Portrait of Christelle Perruchoud
  • Portrait of Sarah Taurian Alves
  • Portrait DĂ©sirĂ©e Abgottspon
  • Portrait of Alexandra Steiner
  • Portrait of Evelyn Winter
  • Portrait of Irisea Volken