Our team of university-level instructional systems designers, EDUDL+, contributes actively to research in the field of distance learning. It collaborates with our psychology professors to do this.

UniDistance Suisse stands out due to its core theme of research in the field of university didactics, the development of teaching and, in particular, e-learning.

We evaluate and compare hybrid or blended learning models, develop these further and monitor their effects on learning success and the satisfaction of students.

One important field in this is also the empirical analysis of the use of virtual reality, web-based apps and tablets to increase learning success.

Furthermore, new opportunities for personalised teaching are being investigated and new e-tools to support students are being developed and validated.

Research projects in the field of e-learning

Critical AI Literacy




Future University (P-8 Digital Skills, phase 2)


Creating opportunities to interact & learn in online learning environments for higher education

Faculty of Psychology

Using virtual reality to learn about inaccessible micro- and macrocosmic structures in primary school

Faculty of Psychology

Kaïros – plateforme d’apprentissage


Preschool children’s learning from 3D virtual reality: Investigating the educational impact of the 21st century fairy tales

Faculty of Psychology

School of Tomorrow

Faculty of Psychology

What makes a Screencast successful?

Faculty of Psychology

Interreg CoDyCa


P-8 Digital Skills (phase 1)


Distance learning: Individual differences & distributed vs. massed learning

Faculty of Psychology

Dropping out of distance learning courses






Learning through teaching: Educational applications of virtual reality

Faculty of Psychology