An important component of the UniDistance Suisse quality assurance system is the use of quality models developed for external assessment. These processes enable UniDistance Suisse to carry out an independent and periodic control of its quality assurance. When doing so, UniDistance Suisse is guided by the E-xcellence and EFQM models, with the objective of obtaining the corresponding quality labels.
When choosing the external instruments, UniDistance Suisse pays particular attention to the compatibility of the quality label with the specific features of distance learning. The quality labels sought after evolve in keeping with the characteristics of distance learning and of âblended learningâ, complement each other and form the basis of a successful accreditation.

UniDistance Suisse has obtained the E-xcellence quality label of the EADTU (European Association of Distance Teaching Universities). The label refers to the recent developments and innovation in the field of e-learning.
By achieving E-xcellence, UniDistance Suisse demonstrates its focus on quality and on the future of distance learning.
In order to earn this label, a self-assessment was carried out, followed by an assessment by external experts in e-learning. The label is valid for a period of 3 years. At the end of that period, the self-assessment and external assessment process starts again.
With the E-xcellence label, the EADTU holds a leading position in the European landscape of higher education institutions of progressive distance learning.
In their improvement measures, the holders of E-xcellence concentrate on 4 fields of progressive education: accessibility, flexibility, interactivity and personalisation. To date, in the whole of Europe, 20 institutions have achieved this label.
You will find more information on the EADTU website.

UniDistance Suisse was awarded the âQualified by EFQMâ label in 2022. The self-assessment according to the criteria of the EFQM model for Business Excellence was followed by an assessment by two EFQM experts on the new Brig campus.
Through the Business Excellence approach, UniDistance Suisse is aiming at a process of continuous improvement within the organisation in order to ensure the lasting success of the undertaking and to meet or even exceed the needs of all the interest groups.
With its model, the EFQM offers a management instrument which has been used successfully by more than 50,000 organisations in Europe and beyond over the last 30 years for the purpose of meeting their own needs for transformation and rising to the challenges of an ever-changing world.
You will find more information on the EFQM website in French or German.