UniDistance Suisse offers its students and staff access to a wide range of scholarly literature available online via the Swissconsortium library portal.
UniDistance Suisse online library
Your online resources, wherever you are
Access to the databases licensed by UniDistance Suisse works on the basis of a connection via your Switch eduID account. Local installations or a VPN connection are not necessary.
The existing offer is renegotiated annually to meet the needs of the various faculties and is therefore likely to change.
More information on the use of Swissconsortium is available in your Moodle page «General information» (in French or in German).
You can also access the collections offered online by UniDistance Suisse using the Lean Library browser extension.
Lean Library: access to online resources made easy
Lean Library is a browser extension that makes it easier to get instant access to digital resources provided by the UniDistance Suisse online library while you browse and search the web. You don’t need to start from Swissconsortium or the university institute’s website.
How does it work?
Whenever you are on a page mentioning a publication for which UniDistance Suisse has an online licence, a pop-up appears offering you a direct link to the full text through Swissconsortium.
The extension also alerts you to articles available in Open Access.
You will need to log in with your Edu-ID credentials the first time you are redirected.
This video from Lean Library explains how the browser extension works (in English with French subtitles).
Our tutorial takes you step by step through the installation and use of Lean Library. Log in with your Switch ID and watch the video.
Download procedure
- Download the Lean Library browser extension, available for different browsers
- Choose your institution “Unidistance Suisse/Fernuni Schweiz”
- Browse the Internet freely
- Let the pop-up redirections guide you to the digital document resources!
Privacy policy
Under the terms of the contract between UniDistance Suisse and the service provider Talis Education Ltd ("Technology from Sage") and in accordance with its privacy policy, the Lean Library add-on module does not collect any personal data. Consultation authorisations are verified by UniDistance Suisse servers and traffic is encrypted. However, the service provider does collect anonymous data in order to evaluate and monitor its service. If you have any questions about personal data and privacy, please contact the UniDistance Suisse data protection officer.