UniDistance Suisse regularly takes part in national and international congresses, meetings and conferences. Our professors organise seminars both online and in Brig.

This involvement enables UniDistance Suisse to present its work and progress to a wider audience, to obtain useful feedback and to gain insight into the current research topics and work of other institutions and universities.

Events from our faculties


A neuron

The intricate relations of humor in intergroup situations

Invited Speakers – Faculty of Psychology

Prof. Dr. Jamie Gloor PhD, University of St. Gallen

Thursday, 07 November 2024
11:00 - 12:00
B18.005 (Brig Campus)

D’un «cercle utopiste international» aux «oublié·es»: Vers une histoire contrastée des années 1950 à 2000

Discussion autour des ouvrages de Dr Audrey Bonvin et Dr Aurore Müller

Les années 1950 à 2000 sont celles de tous les contrastes…

Thursday, 12 December 2024
12:30 - 13:15

Uniform Approximation of the Smallest Eigenvalue of a Large Parameter-Dependent Hermitian Matrix


Talk by Emre Mengi, Koc University

We consider the uniform approximation of the smallest eigenvalue of a large…

Thursday, 12 December 2024
17:00 - 18:00

Kalter Krieg auf Schweizer Eisfeldern: Eishockey und Geopolitik seit 1945


Der Kalte Krieg wurde nicht nur im Rüstungswettlauf, Stellvertreterkriegen, wirtschaftlichen und technologischen…

Thursday, 20 March 2025
12:30 - 13:15