UniDistance Suisse Mathematics Colloquium

UniDistance Suisse Mathematics Colloquium is a series of hour-long talks organised by the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. They are held 2-3 times per semester on Thursdays at 5 p.m. on Zoom.

The link for participation in the event is the following: https://fernuni.zoom.us/j/64850280617.


Upcoming events

Multivariate cryptography and the hardness of polynomial system solving

Talk by Elisa Gorla, UniversitĂ© de Neuchâtel

Abstract : TBA

Thursday, 24 April 2025
17:00 - 18:00
UniDistance Suisse & online, Schinerstrasse 18, 3900 Brig

Previous events

Area-preserving transformations and symplectic geometry

Talk by Sobhan Seyfaddini, ETHZ

Abstract : In an influential article from the 1970s, Albert Fathi, having proven that the group of compactly…

Uniform Approximation of the Smallest Eigenvalue of a Large Parameter-Dependent Hermitian Matrix


Talk by Emre Mengi, Koc University

We consider the uniform approximation of the smallest eigenvalue of a large parameter-dependent…

Random graphs as models of quantum disorder


Talk by Antti Knowles, UniversitĂ© de Genève

A disordered quantum system is mathematically described by a large Hermitian…

Hard Lefschetz theorem and Hodge-Riemann relations for convex valuations


Talk by Andreas Bernig, Goethe Universität Frankfurt

The so-called Kähler package consists of a Poincaré duality, a hard Lefschetz theorem…

Saddle-Point Problems in Computational and Fracture Mechanics: modeling and efficient solution

Talk by Talk by Marco Favino, USI and lecturer at UniDistance Suisse

SMS Fall Meeting : Swiss Geometry Day

The fall meeting of the Swiss Mathematical Society takes place on the UniDistance Suisse Campus in Brig in the form of a Geometry Day. Everyone is…

Talk by Helmut Harbrecht

Talk by Helmut Harbrecht, University of Basel

UniDistance Suisse Mathematics Colloquium is a series of hour-long talks organised by the mathematics…

Stochastic Mirror Descent for Convex Optimization with Consensus Constraints

Talk by Panos Parpas, Imperial College London

UniDistance Suisse Mathematics Colloquium is a series of hour-long talks organised by the mathematics…

Knots, Möbius bands, and inscribed rectangles

Talk by Peter Feller, ETH ZĂĽrich

UniDistance Suisse Mathematics Colloquium is a series of hour-long talks organised by the mathematics faculty. They…

Riemannian optimization methods for nonlinear eigenvector problems

Talk by Tatjana Stykel, University of Augsburg

UniDistance Suisse Mathematics Colloquium is a series of hour-long talks organised by the mathematics…

Quantitative estimates for geometric variational problems

Talk by Professor Melanie Rupflin, University of Oxford

UniDistance Suisse Mathematics Colloquium is a series of hour-long talks organised by the…

Harmonic maps to singular spaces

Talk by Christine Breiner, Brown University

UniDistance Suisse Mathematics Colloquium is a series of hour-long talks organised by the mathematics…

Data-driven modeling of dynamical systems: A systems theoretic perspective

Talk by Serkan Gugercin, Virginia Tech

UniDistance Suisse Mathematics Colloquium is a series of hour-long talks organised by the mathematics faculty.…

Scientific machine learning of dynamical systems with operator inference and re-projection

Talk by Benjamin Peherstorfer, New York University

UniDistance Suisse Mathematics Colloquium is a series of hour-long talks organised by the…

The non-Abelian X-ray transform

Talk by Gabriel Paternain, University of Cambridge

UniDistance Suisse Mathematics Colloquium is a series of hour-long talks organised by the…