EDUDL+ (Educational Development Unit in Distance Learning) is responsible for the quality of teaching at UniDistance Suisse.

Read EDUDL+'s pedagogical resources

In order to carry out this mission, EDUDL+ works at different levels and during different timeframes of teaching. EDUDL+:

  • Supports the new teaching teams in the construction of their course modules,
  • Each semester, organises and runs the process of teaching evaluation by the students for continuous improvement of the quality of the teaching,
  • Offers training and support in the e-learning methods and tools,
  • Meets the demand from teachers regarding the implementation of new processes or tools,
  • Organises and promotes the exchange of professional practices within the teaching community,
  • Supports experimentation and carries out research in order to describe and support the new practices and encourage new usages,
  • Advises on the construction and adaptation of basic and continuing education and training programmes,
  • Carries out research and development in the field of tools for teaching and learning.

EDUDL+ is organised in 5 divisions, each with a particular perspective: Evaluation, Teaching, Learning, Tools and Instructional Technology.

EDUDL+ is made up of 3 standard profiles of staff members:

  • research associates whose main tasks are instructional systems design and applied research,
  • specialist staff members whose main tasks are training and support,
  • computer scientists tasked with the development of tools and platforms.

Members of EDUDL+

Jean-Michel JullienJean-Michel JullienEDUDL+ Manager
Ambroise BaillifardAmbroise BaillifardScientific Collaborator
Angelo BelardiAngelo BelardiScientific Collaborator
Mélanie BonvinMélanie BonvinScientific Collaborator
Natalie BornetNatalie BornetSpecialist collaborator
Henrietta CarbonelHenrietta CarbonelScientific Collaborator
Frédéric GaillardFrédéric GaillardComputer scientist
Vincent GroffVincent GroffSpecialist collaborator
Jonathan ReyJonathan ReyComputer scientist
Oliver J. SchmidOliver J. SchmidScientific Collaborator
Alice ThurreAlice ThurreScientific Collaborator
Cindy Zen-RuffinenCindy Zen-RuffinenScientific Collaborator

[Students] Technical tips to prepare for an online exam

[Etudiants] Quelques gestes pour participer activement à un cours à distance

  • Vous enseignez à distance et vous trouvez difficile d’interagir avec vos étudiants ?
  • Vous étudiez à distance et vous ne savez pas comment participe…
Henrietta Carbonel and Monica Ward conversing

Interactive Oral Assessments, a meaningful option for your module?

We were happy to welcome Dr Monica Ward to our campus in Brig on April 9th, 2024, for a conference and workshop on interactive oral (IO) assessments. …

EDUDL+'s events

Research projects of the group

(Ré)imaginer les évaluations en ligne du futur




Dropping out of distance learning courses


Creating opportunities to interact & learn in online learning environments for higher education

Faculty of Psychology

Workload and learning behaviour of distance learning students


Critical AI Literacy


Future University (P-8 Digital Skills, phase 2)


Interreg CoDyCa


Kaïros – plateforme d’apprentissage


P-8 Digital Skills (phase 1)