Prof. Manuel Grieder

Manuel Grieder is a Tenure Track Assistant Professor at UniDistance Suisse. He received his PhD from the University of Lausanne (HEC). After that he continued his research career as a postdoctoral researcher at ETH Zurich, including a research stay at the MIT in Cambridge (Boston). He is also a lecturer at the University of Lausanne and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW).
Detailed CV

Master of Science in Economics, Business and Data Analytics
Functions at UniDistance Suisse
Faculty of Economics
- Assistant professor
- Programme Director Master EN
Faculty Council of the Faculty of Economics
- Assistant professor
- Programme Director Master EN
Experimental Organisational and Environmental Economics
- Assistant professor
Research focus
My research investigates behavior and decision making in organizations and on markets. Based on theoretical models and empirical findings from economics, management and psychology, I apply a behavioral perspective to investigate important organizational and environmental topics, using experimental (and other) methods. This includes questions such as how to promote cooperative relationships between trading partners, how to avoid unethical behavior, and how to encourage sustainable decision making.
Research groups
Experimental Organisational and Environmental Economics
Faculty of Economics