In his latest research paper, Prof. Dr Michael Kurschilgen, Assistant Professor of Economics at UniDistance Suisse, considers some of the challenges of developing an adequate moral culture.

Moral appeals are known to promote selfless behaviour. But when people have conflicting ideas about what exactly is right behaviour (for example, due to different cultural, religious or socio-demographic backgrounds), there can be hidden costs.

In a recent paper, Prof. Dr Michael Kurschilgen notes that appeals to morality can increase polarisation as people hold on to their moral extremes. The increase in polarisation largely coincides with an increase in revealed gender differences. A higher moral consciousness leads men to focus even more on efficiency, while women insist on more equality.

Read the paper and find out more about Prof. Dr Michael Kurschilgen

Portrait of Prof. Dr. Michael Kurschilgen, Prof. Dr. Anthony Strittmatter, and Prof. Dr. Manuel Grieder

UniDistance Suisse in the Board of the Swiss Society for Economics and Statistics (SSES)

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