new paper from our Assistant Professor in Economics, Michael Kurschilgen, was published in the Journal of Legal Studies. Together with his colleagues Svenja Hippel and Konstantin Chatziathanasiou, he tested in a controlled laboratory experiment whether the threat of an overthrow disciplines elites to share wealth. The answer is no.

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Meinungsblasen beeinflussen Impfentscheidungen - ein neuer Artikel von Prof. Dr. Michael Kurschilgen

Portrait of Prof. Dr. Michael Kurschilgen, Prof. Dr. Anthony Strittmatter, and Prof. Dr. Manuel Grieder

UniDistance Suisse in the Board of the Swiss Society for Economics and Statistics (SSES)

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1st Matterhorn Symposium on Behavior, Institutions, and Cooperation

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Photo portrait de Michael Kurschligen

How do moral appeals influence people’s fairness judgments?

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