• Economics · UniDistance Suisse
  • Dr David Imhof

David Imhof, who teaches in the French-speaking Bachelor's in Economics and Management, recently published 3 papers about cartel screening.

You will find the articles here:

Are you interested in better understanding the economy? Find out more about our French-language Bachelor in Economics and Management or our German-language Bachelor in Economics. Starting in the autumn of 2023, we will also be offering a Master's in Economics, Business and Data Analytics. More information will be published on our website early in 2023.

Portrait of Prof. Dr. Michael Kurschilgen, Prof. Dr. Anthony Strittmatter, and Prof. Dr. Manuel Grieder

UniDistance Suisse in the Board of the Swiss Society for Economics and Statistics (SSES)

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1st Matterhorn Symposium on Behavior, Institutions, and Cooperation

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Photo portrait de Michael Kurschligen

How do moral appeals influence people’s fairness judgments?

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Naturaufnahme vom Aletschgletscher im Wallis.

Klimawandel und nachhaltiges Konsumverhalten

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Portraitfoto von Tanguy Darbellay

Westschweizer Ringer rettete zwölf Menschen aus der Ukraine

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