Our group carries out research in the field of cognitive psychology – in particular in the areas of memory, mental imagery, and perception. The research is mainly experimental and quantitative. We collect eye data and conduct experiments in virtual reality.

Our research addresses questions such as: How does the internal world differ from the external and in what respect are they similar? Why do we look to specific blank spaces when retrieving something? What are the criteria that we take into account when we differentiate between fantasy and reality?

We work with innovative experimental and statistical methods and carry out projects in developmental psychology. We are particularly interested in how children differentiate between reality and fantasy, and how children learn from fictional sources. We are also investigating the impact of new media on learning success. 

Our group teaching is in the field of “research methods and statistics“

Prof. Dr Corinna MartarelliProf. Dr Corinna MartarelliAssociate Professor
MSc Pauline BerthouzozMSc Pauline BerthouzozPhD Student
Dr Sandra Chiquet BirriDr Sandra Chiquet BirriPost-doctoral Researcher
Dr Maximilian HaasDr Maximilian HaasPost-doctoral Researcher
Kalpani Anuradha WelivitaKalpani Anuradha WelivitaPost-doctoral Researcher
MA Alexandra LaptevaMA Alexandra LaptevaPhD Student
BA Dejan PopicBA Dejan PopicVirtual Reality Designer
MSc Laura RotheichnerMSc Laura RotheichnerPhD Student

Research projects of the group

Exploring memory in different worlds

Faculty of Psychology

Lost in thought: Investigating the impact of mind-wandering on pupillary responses in recognition memory

Faculty of Psychology

Boredom and self-control as guiding signals for goal-directed behaviour

Faculty of Psychology

Tracking visual images in healthy aging

Faculty of Psychology

The impact of mind-wandering on the precision of episodic memory

Faculty of Psychology

Using virtual reality to learn about inaccessible micro- and macrocosmic structures in primary school

Faculty of Psychology

Drawing as an encoding tool to enhance episodic memory of elderly people

Faculty of Psychology

Preschool children’s learning from 3D virtual reality: Investigating the educational impact of the 21st century fairy tales

Faculty of Psychology

Using virtual reality to investigate access, fidelity, and vividness of visual mental representations

Faculty of Psychology

Distance learning: Individual differences & distributed vs. massed learning

Faculty of Psychology

Learning through teaching: Educational applications of virtual reality

Faculty of Psychology