Registration for the CAS Scalable Agility

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Registration deadline: 25 August 2024

Mandatory module(s)


In the initial module of the CAS, we will embark on our joint journey on agile innovation and transformation. We will introduce the concept of agility, explore what it means in practice and how it has become so relevant in daily business. Delving deeper on different forms, methods and principles of agility and agile transformation, we will analyse how organisations can and should implement both doing agile and being agile.


In this module, you will get the chance to develop your own project plan, based on your personal experience. You will be offered plenty of opportunities to receive invaluable insights and feedback from your peers and experts, allowing you to refine your original plan step by step. At the end of the module, you will have created a project plan for an agile transformation fully applicable in the context of your everyday business life.



Prof. Dr Christoph Peters
Prof. Dr Christoph Peters


Anuschka Schmitt
Anuschka Schmitt


In this evidence-based and hands-on module, you will learn all about the key success factor in agile transformation: the agile mindset.


You will gain a deep understanding of the agile mindset: what lies behind it? Why is it relevant in practice? How can it be reflected upon, developed, assessed and reviewed? You will personally discover the extent of your agile mindset and formulate approaches to further enhance it. Building upon this experience, we will scale the agile mindset approach, examining, analysing, and discussing agile culture in teams and organisations. You will be able to focus on your own role as an active participant in the agile transformation process.



Dr Karen Simone Eilers
Dr Karen Simone Eilers


Anuschka Schmitt
Anuschka Schmitt


In this third module, your leadership role in the agile context takes center stage.


You will gain a comprehensive overview of the latest changes in leadership culture, along with relevant leadership styles and general leadership approaches. Drawing on cutting-edge research, you will be provided with the key elements for agile leadership and will be guided into transferring them into practice through applicable practical methods.


At the end of the module, you will be able to explain the recent changes in leadership. You will have developed your own leadership skills with learning tools and gained leadership insights related to feedback & communication, decision-making in self-organised teams, and self-leadership for empowering your employees for successful agile transformations.



Dr Karen Simone Eilers
Dr Karen Simone Eilers


Anuschka Schmitt
Anuschka Schmitt


This module will unlock you potential of scaling agility across teams, programmes, and organisations, and enable you to foster innovation.


You will discover the fusion of agile innovation methods – such as ideation, design thinking and prototyping - with strategic organisational scaling frameworks. You will tackle real-world scenarios with agile experimentation and learn to balance innovation with operational efficiency through tailored KPIs. You will embrace cross-functional collaboration and enhance communication strategies to navigate complex organisational structures and manage change resistance effectively. This module not only imparts knowledge, but also equips you with practical skills for applying agile methods in diverse contexts. The module culminates in a dynamic "Agile Innovation Sprint" group project, which will enable you to transform your innovative ideas into impactful solutions.



René Kräling
René Kräling


Anuschka Schmitt
Anuschka Schmitt


The concluding module of the programme explores different forms of agile organisations. While current best practices from various fields are illustrated, a particular focus will be put on successful implementation in data-driven, agile organisations.


You will get the chance to develop a concrete concept for a data-driven, agile organisation, if applicable in the context of your everyday business life. You will be offered plenty of opportunities to receive invaluable insights and feedback from your peers and experts, allowing you to refine your original concept step by step. At the end of the module, you will be empowered to apply adequate methods, models and tools explored in all previous modules, and, and be fully prepared to implement agility and agile transformation in your professional practice.



Prof. Dr Christoph Peters
Prof. Dr Christoph Peters


Anuschka Schmitt
Anuschka Schmitt

Any further questions?

Our Continuing Education team is here to help.

+41 27 922 01 59

monday – friday, 8:30 to 11:30