The paper entitled „A single item measure of self-control - validation and location in a nomological network of self-control, boredom, and if-then planning“ of Wanja Wolff (University of Konstanz), Maik Bieleke (University of Konstanz), Chris Englert (University of Frankfurt), Alex Bertrams (University of Bern), Julia Schüler (University of Konstanz), and Corinna Martarelli (Unidistance Suisse) can be found here.

Lehrassistent/in im Modul B3 mit Schwerpunkt «Bildung» (25 %)

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Chargé-e de cours pour le module « Entretien, conseil et intervention » (18%)

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Prof. Dr Nicolas Rothen explique comment les souvenirs se forment, disparaissent ou peuvent être manipulés

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