Arnaud Nussbaumer

Two projects submitted by UniDistance Suisse researchers in the April 2023 SSH call for projects have been awarded funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). These grants reflect the quality of the research carried out at our institute.

Two projects submitted by UniDistance Suisse researchers in the April 2023 SSH call for projects have been awarded funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). These grants reflect the quality of the research carried out at our institute.

Causation in Swiss Tort Law

Tort law is the area of law that organises compensation for damage caused to victims by clearly identified perpetrators. It is therefore an instrument that enables victims to obtain compensation and, in the public interest, to positively influence the behaviour of potential perpetrators of unlawful acts. However, despite the fundamental role played by this branch of law, the number of cases brought before the Federal Supreme Court in this area is declining. This phenomenon can be explained by two hypotheses that this project is designed to test.

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Prof. Dr Arnaud Nussbaumer-Laghzaoui

Arnaud Nussbaumer est professeur assistant avec tenure track auprès de la faculté de droit francophone.

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