Master of Arts in Historical Sciences , 90 ECTS

Duration :6 semesters
Language :English - French - German
Classes start on : 1st August 2024
Price : CHF 1400 / semester
31 May 2025
In a few words

With this Master, you will gain solid knowledge of contemporary history (19th and 20th centuries) and a deep understanding of the opportunities and challenges of digitalization. This innovative, professionally-oriented Master's program meets the challenges of a rapidly evolving  working environment, in which digitalized data and software processing are becoming increasingly important. It is designed as a springboard to exciting careers in the fields of research, documentation or heritage.

More information

With a digital focus, it teaches students about the challenges of e-history, specifically the computer techniques and tools applied to the historical sciences. In particular, you will learn to create and develop databases, use visualisation techniques, and disseminate research results via various media and social networks.

You will also gain a solid understanding of modern societies and the dissemination of knowledge. In addition, the syllabus covers traditional historical skills such as critical analysis of sources, critical reading, formulating an argument and copywriting. You will thus gain essential skills in researching, interpreting and summarising large volumes of information.

The programme offers a passive trilingual curriculum: good passive knowledge of the three teaching languages (German, French and English) is essential, but you will express yourself and be examined in the language of your choice.

Professors for the MA in Historical Sciences

Portrait de Christina Späti
Prof. Dr Christina Späti
Prof. Dr Sabine Pitteloud

There are six excellent reasons to complete an MA in Historical Sciences at UniDistance Suisse:

1. To become an expert who understands the challenges and opportunities of e-history

An MA in Historical Sciences at UniDistance Suisse offers you advanced, relevant skills in e-history. In particular, these technical and digital skills include:

  • Creating databases or information systems, and a thorough understanding of digital document processing tools
  • Data interpretation, relevant computer software, and new digital humanities methodologies
  • Disseminating results and showcasing research via various media and digital platforms

The Master’s in Historical Sciences at UniDistance Suisse requires neither prior IT knowledge nor specific qualifications: you will be introduced step by step to the relevant digital tools, enabling you to gain essential expertise in the field of digital history.

2. To learn flexibly alongside your job

The MA in Historical Sciences is designed to be able to be completed alongside a job, family life, or a sporting or artistic career. You complete an online programme and regularly meet up with your teaching teams and other students. These meetups take place online or in person if necessary, at the occasion of archives or institutes visits for instance. Various digital tools are available for your weekly discussions with the teaching teams and for collaborations with other students.

3. To complete customisable training

The programme, alternating between thematic courses and technical modules, offers you all the skills you need to work in a wide range of sectors.

Our programme is divided into three blocks:

  • The first block introduces students to the various sequences of historic research, focusing on the challenges and opportunities of digitalisation and e-history
  • The second block allows you to specialise and customise your curriculum with a series of elective technical modules or internships, and to attend or actively participate in various scientific events. You can decide which activities you would like to complete, based on your interests and schedule constraints.
  • The third block is devoted to your master’s thesis

4. To develop historical research skills and complete scientific projects

By the end of the course, you will be able to accomplish the following:

  • Conduct historical research, from collecting sources to formulating hypotheses, processing data and disseminating results
  • Check facts, manage and develop data
  • Analyse sources and use critically digital technologies and tools
  • Make full use of the collaborative, innovative tools required for the historical sciences and their dissemination
  • Understand the foundations of computer language, facilitating collaborations with engineers and computer scientists
  • Feel confident in a multiple languages environment
  • Establish a network within academic, cultural, heritage and media institutions


5. To put your knowledge into practice and develop your network during internships and scientific events

If you choose, you can complete an internship and play an active role in organising scientific events. You thus put your knowledge directly into practice and develop your network, a key aspect for your future employment.

Internships consist of taking part in a digital research project at a partner institution. These are validated by your placement report, which is awarded ECTS credits.

Scientific events allow you to experience the reality of professional life and the role of a historian. Examples include visits to research and cultural centres, organising conference series with active, critical involvement, or attending a workshop or summer school at a partner institution. Your work is also validated by a report and is awarded ECTS credits.


6. To boost your linguistic skills by studying in three languages

The MA in Historical Sciences is a trilingual programme. You express yourself and are examined in French or German, whilst completing modules available in French, German or even English. Our trilingual teaching teams are on hand to offer support for each module and provide linguistically balanced resources and course materials.

The MA in Historical Sciences usually takes six semesters (three years) to complete.

This duration is calculated for someone completing the degree part-time, alongside work, family life or a sporting career. This programme therefore allows for part-time learning.

The minimum study duration is three semesters, and the maximum duration is eight semesters.

The programme consists of 90 ECTS credits; 1 ECTS credit represents 25 to 30 hours of work.

The MA in Historical Sciences trains you as an historian and provides you with the relevant skills to apply for positions such as research associate, project manager or coordinator in various fields. It will also help you get positions n higher education.

In the cultural and heritage conservation sectors, you can work at museums or cultural centres, for example as a cultural consultant or exhibition curator.

History is also a gateway to careers in documentation, information and communication: libraries, archives, journalism or even publishing.

Civil service positions also offer interesting, varied opportunities: local government administration, local development, cultural development and more.

Finally, an MA in Historical Sciences serves as a stepping stone to a doctorate in history.

The programme’s semester fee is CHF 1,400.

This amount applies regardless of the number and type of modules completed per semester, including catch-up modules and the master’s thesis.

You will receive an invoice every semester. We do not accept payment in instalments.

Other costs

The cost of study materials varies by module. It should also be noted that you will have to pay for various tools and resources (software, user accounts for scientific research, loan services etc.). The average cost per module is about CHF 100-150. Further details can be found in the fee regulations.


UniDistance Suisse does not offer any study scholarships. Please visit the admission page for more information.

The MA in Historical Sciences is designed with a passive trilingual curriculum. You express yourself and are examined in French, German or English, whilst completing modules available in one of these languages. Our trilingual teaching teams are on hand to offer support for each module and provide linguistically balanced course materials.

The possible language combinations are:

  • Fluent French (C1 level) and a passive knowledge of German and English (B2 level recommended)
  • Fluent German (C1 level) and a passive knowledge of French and English (B2 level recommended) 

You will thus acquire language skills that will be relevant in the fields of research, culture, heritage and the media: there are numerous Swiss institutions in which both French and German are required, while English is essential to carry out international collaborations.

You will also be familiarised with the challenges of multiculturalism and learn about different practices and approaches, enriching both your professional and personal experiences.

The passive trilingual curriculum facilitates professional integration whilst also enabling you to be evaluated in the language of your choice during your studies.

Nos chargé-e-s de cours pour le Master en histoire

  • Martin Grandjean

Do you have any questions?

Our Student Managers will be glad to help you in French, German or English.
  • Portrait of Jean-Paul Droz
  • Portrait of Federico Elia
  • Portrait of Marina Mayor
  • Portrait of CĂ©line Pellissier
  • Portrait of Christelle Perruchoud
  • Portrait of Sarah Taurian Alves
  • Portrait DĂ©sirĂ©e Abgottspon
  • Portrait of Alexandra Steiner
  • Portrait of Evelyn Winter
  • Portrait of Irisea Volken