The Faculty Council brings together all the professors and course directors of a faculty. The lecturers, assistants and students have two representatives in it respectively. The Faculty Council is led by the dean.

The areas of competence and missions of the Faculty Council are:

  • to award the academic degrees and diplomas of the faculty
  • to draw up the study plans
  • to elect the dean

It meets at least once a semester.

Prof. Dr Christina SpÀtiProf. Dr Christina SpÀtiDeanFull ProfessorProgramme Director DE
Prof. Dr Matthieu GillabertProf. Dr Matthieu GillabertProgramm Director Bachelor FR
Prof. Dr Sabine PitteloudProf. Dr Sabine PitteloudAssistant Professor
Prof. Dr Bernhard SchÀrProf. Dr Bernhard SchÀrLecturers' Representative DE
Dr Magali JennyDr Magali JennyLecturers' Representative FR
MA Florian MĂŒllerMA Florian MĂŒllerAssistants' Representative DE
Vacant / VakantStudents' Representative DE
Dr Morgane Gay-BiancoDr Morgane Gay-BiancoFaculty ManagerMember with consultative vote
Dr Aurore MĂŒllerDr Aurore MĂŒllerAssistants' Representative FR
Vacant / VakantStudents' Representative FR