Short Training Course Data Science Project Management , 2 ECTS

Duration :4 weeks
Workload :
Language :English
Classes start on :-
Price : CHF 1600.-
In a few words

This module will cover the fundamentals of how data infrastructure solutions are implemented in business environments. In particular, the module will create an understanding of different data storage options, and how data is processed and managed within a data ecosystem. In addition, data integration and interoperability of various systems will be discussed, as well as how an appropriate data infrastructure powers analytics, data science and machine learning.   

More information

Participants will learn to: 

  • Efficiently allocate resources across projects.  
  • Strategically prioritise and deprioritise projects based on organisational goals. 
  • Identify and assess project risks to mitigate potential failures.  
  • Align projects with organisational objectives to ensure overall success.  


  • Dr David VasellaDr David Vasella
  • Dr Jean-Daniel StrubDr Jean-Daniel Strub

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