Prof. Dr Corinna Martarelli


La Prof. Dr Corinna Martarelli est la nouvelle vice-rectrice Enseignement

Un manuel unique: The Routledge International Handbook of Boredom

Nouvelle app en ligne : le cycle de l’eau en réalité virtuelle

Nouvelle publication dans la revue Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology

La réalité virtuelle – un support pédagogique qui marche pour les enfants ?
Enseignement dispensé
Fonctions à UniDistance Suisse
- Vice-rectrice Enseignement
Faculté de psychologie
- Professeure extraordinaire
Collège de faculté de Psychologie
- Professeure extraordinaire
Méthodologie et statistiques
- Professeure extraordinaire
Conseil académique
- Vice-rectrice Enseignement
Vice-rectorat Enseignement
- Vice-rectrice Enseignement
Martarelli, C. S., & Mast, F. W. (2025). The long-lasting legacy of early experimental studies in visual mental imagery. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 51(3), 300–302.
Holgado, D., Cailleux, A., Ruggeri, P., Martarelli, C. S., Bekinschtein, T. A., Sanabria, D., & Place, N. (2025). Individualized cognitive effort to failure does not impact subsequent strenuous physical performance. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.
Lapteva, A., Schnyder, S., Wolff, W., & Martarelli, C. S. (in press). Bore me (not): boredom impairs recognition memory but not the pupil old/new effect. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.
Martarelli, C. S., Dubach, J., Schelleis, N., Cacchione, T., & Tempelmann, S. (2024). Virtual reality in primary science education: Improving knowledge of the water cycle. Educational Technology Research and Development.
Lapteva, A., & Martarelli, C. S. (2024). Pupil old/new effect as an objective measure of recognition memory: a meta-analysis of 17 eye-tracking experiments. Memory, 1–16.
Baillifard, A., Ertz, O., Lecorney, S. et Martarelli, C. (2024). Mythes écologiques du numérique [Chronique]. Formation et profession, 32(1), 1-5.
Baillifard, A., Gabella, M., Banta Lavenex, P., & Martarelli, C. S. (2024). Effective learning with a personal AI tutor: A case study. Education and Information Technologies.
Martarelli, C. S., Weibel, D., Popic, D., & Wolff, W. (2024). Time in suspense: Investigating boredom and related states in a virtual waiting room. Cognition and Emotion.
Bieleke, M., Wolff, W., & Martarelli, C. S. (Eds.). (2024). The Routledge International Handbook of Boredom. Routledge.
Martarelli, C. S., & Jost, N. S. (2024). Methodological approaches to boredom and its measurement. In M. Bieleke, W. Wolff & C. S. Martarelli (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Boredom. Routledge.
Martarelli, C. S., & Baillifard, A. (2024). Mind-wandering as an exploratory response to boredom. In M. Bieleke, W. Wolff & C. S. Martarelli (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Boredom. Routledge.
Wolff, W., Radtke, V. C., & Martarelli, C. S. (2024). Same same but different – What is boredom actually? In M. Bieleke, W. Wolff & C. S. Martarelli (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Boredom. Routledge.
Bieleke, M., Wolff, W., & Martarelli C.S. (2024). Boredom is not boring: From everyday experience to a powerful signal and beyond. In M. Bieleke, W. Wolff & C. S. Martarelli (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Boredom. Routledge.
Bieleke, M., Wolff, W., Martarelli C.S., et al. 2024). Overview of current directions in boredom research. In M. Bieleke, W. Wolff & C. S. Martarelli (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Boredom. Routledge.
Meier, M., Martarelli, C. S., & Wolff, W. (2024). Is boredom a source of noise and/or a confound in behavioral science research? Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11, 368.
Ovalle-Fresa R., & Martarelli, C. S. (2024). Drawing is an efficient encoding tool in younger but not always in older adults: The case of associative memory. Memory & Cognition.
Dall'Olio, L., Amrein, O., Gianettoni, L., & Martarelli, C. S. (2024). The impact of fantasy on young children’s recall: A virtual reality approach. Virtual Reality, 28.
Martarelli, C. S., & Ovalle-Fresa, R. (2024). In sight out of mind? Disengagement at encoding gradually reduces recall of location. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 77, 42-56.
Martarelli, C. S., Chiquet, S., & Ertl, M. (2023). Keeping track of reality: Embedding visual memory in natural behavior. Memory, 31, 1295-1305.
Wolff, W., Bieleke, M., & Martarelli, C. S. (2023). Boredom, performance & health. Performance Enhancement & Health, 11(3), 100252.
Martarelli, C. S., Baillifard, A., Audrin, C. (2023). A trait-based network perspective on the validation of the French Short Boredom Proneness Scale. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 39, 390-399.
Martarelli, C. S., Berthouzoz, P., Bieleke, M., & Wolff, W. (2023). Bored of sports? Investigating the interactive role of engagement and value as predictors of boredom in athletic training. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 12(2), 141–154.
Bieleke, M., Martarelli, C. S., & Wolff, W. (2023). If-then planning, self-control, and boredom as predictors of adherence to social distancing guidelines: Evidence from a two-wave longitudinal study with a behavioral intervention. Current Psychology, 42, 9095-9108
Chiquet, S., Martarelli, C.S., Weibel, D., & Mast, F.W. (2023). Learning by teaching in immersive virtual reality – Absorption tendency increases learning outcomes. Learning and Instruction, 84, 101716.
Martarelli, C. S., Ovalle-Fresa, R., Popic, D., Globig, L. K., & Rothen, N. (2022). Reinstating location improves mnemonic access but not fidelity of visual mental representations. Cortex, 156, 39-53.
Chiquet, S., Martarelli, C.S., & Mast, F.W. (2022). Imagery-related eye movements in 3D space depend on individual differences in visual object imagery. Scientific Reports, 12, 14136.
Baillifard, A., & Martarelli, C. S. (2022). Notes et taux de décrochage inébranlables durant la Covid-19 en enseignement universitaire à distance. Savoirs, 60.
Wolff, W., Bieleke, M., Englert, C., Bertrams, A., Schüler, J., & Martarelli, C. S. (2022). A single item measure of self-control – Validation and location in a nomological network of self-control, boredom, and if-then planning. Social Psychological Bulletin, 17, 1-22.
Baillifard, A. & Martarelli, C. (2022). Oui à l’ennui [Chronique]. Formation et profession, 30.
Dubach, J., Schelleis, N., Bölsterli, K., Cacchione, T., Martarelli, C. S., Probst, M., Tempelmann, S. (2022). Unzugängliche Welten für das erfahrungsbasierte Lernen erschließen. Immersive Virtuelle Realität im naturwissenschaftlichen Sachunterricht. In: Sachunterricht in der Informationsgesellschaft. Bad Heilbrunn: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt, S. 147-154.
Martarelli, C. S., & Mast, F. W. (2022). Pictorial low-level features in mental images: Evidence from eye fixations. Psychological Research, 86, 350-363.
Martarelli, C. S., Bertrams, A., & Wolff, W. (2021). A Personality trait-based network of boredom, spontaneous and deliberate mind-wandering. Assessment, 28, 1915–1931.
Martarelli, C. S., Pacozzi, S. G., Bieleke, M., & Wolff, W. (2021). High trait self-control and low boredom proneness help COVID-19 homeschoolers. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:594256.
Martarelli, C. S., Wolff, W., & Bieleke, M. (2021). Bored by bothering? A cost-value approach to pandemic boredom. Humanities and Social Sciences Communication, 8.
Chiquet, S., Martarelli, C.S., & Mast, F.W. (2021). Eye movements to absent objects during mental imagery and visual memory in immersive virtual reality. Virtual Reality, 25, 655-667.
Hartmann, M., Martarelli, C. S., Sommer, N. R. (2021). Early is left and up: Saccadic responses reveal horizontal and vertical spatial associations of serial order in working memory. Cognition, 217.
Jost, N. S., Jossen, S. L., Rothen, N., & Martarelli, C. S. (2021). The advantage of distributed practice in a blended learning setting. Education and Information Technologies, 26, 3097-3113.
Umar, H., Mast, F. W., Cacchione, T., & Martarelli, C. S. (2021). The prioritization of visuo-spatial associations during mental imagery. Cognitive Processing, 22, 227-237.
Wolff, W., Bieleke, M., Martarelli, C.S., & Danckert J. (2021). A primer on the role of boredom in self-controlled sports and exercise behavior. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:637839.
Wolff, W., & Martarelli, C. S. (2020). Bored into depletion? Towards a tentative integration of perceived self-control exertion and boredom as guiding signals for goal-directed behavior. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 15, 1272-1283.
Popic, D., Pacozzi S. G., & Martarelli, C. S. (2020). Database of virtual objects to be used in psychological research. PLOS ONE, 15: e0238041.
Hartmann, M., Martarelli, C. S., Reber, T. P., & Rothen, N. (2020). Does a smartphone on the desk drain our brain? No evidence of cognitive costs due to smartphone presence in a short-term and prospective memory task. Consciousness and Cognition, 86.
Martarelli, C. S., Wolff, W. (2020). Too bored to bother? Boredom as a potential threat to the efficacy of pandemic containment measures. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 7.
Wolff, W., Martarelli, C. S., Schüler, J., Bieleke, M. (2020). High boredom proneness and low trait self-control impair adherence to social distancing guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 5420.
Globig, L. K., Hartmann, M., Martarelli, C. S. (2019). Vertical head movements influence memory performance for words with emotional content. Frontiers in Psychology, 10: 672.
Englert, C., Koroma, D., Bertrams, A., Martarelli, C. S. (2019). Testing the validity of the attention control video: An eye-tracking approach of the ego depletion effect. PLOS ONE,14: e0211181.
Martarelli, C. S. (2019). On the link between phenomenal causality and personality dominance. Cognitive Processing, 20, 117-123.
Martarelli, C. S., Feurer, E., Dapp, L. C. & Roebers, C. M. (2018). Profiles of executive functions and social skills in the transition to school: A person-centred approach. Infant and Child Development, 27: e2114.
Weibel, D., Martarelli, C. S., Häberli, D., & Mast, F. W. (2018). The fantasy questionnaire: A measure to assess imaginative and creative fantasy. Journal of Personality Assessment, 100, 431-443.
Martarelli, C. S., Chiquet, S., Laeng, B., & Mast, F. W. (2017). Using space to represent categories: Insights from gaze position. Psychological Research, 81, 721-729.
Martarelli, C. S., Mast, F. W., & Hartmann, M. (2017). Time in the eye of the beholder: Gaze position reveals spatial-temporal associations during encoding and memory retrieval of future and past. Memory & Cognition, 45, 40-48.
Martarelli, C. S., Mayer, B. & Mast, F. W. (2016). Daydreams and trait affect: The role of the listener’s state of mind in the emotional response to music. Consciousness and Cognition, 46, 27-35.
Wantz, A. L., Martarelli, C. S., Cazzoli, D., Kalla, R., Müri, R., & Mast, F. W. (2016). Disrupting frontal eye-field activity impairs memory recall. NeuroReport, 27, 374-378.
Wantz, A. L., Martarelli, C. S., & Mast, F. W. (2016). When looking back to nothing goes back to nothing. Cognitive Processing, 17, 105-114.
Stocker, K., Hartmann, M., Martarelli, C. S., & Mast, F. W. (2016). Eye movements reveal mental scanning through time. Cognitive Science, 40, 1648-1670.
Martarelli, C. S., Mast, F. W., Läge, D., & Roebers, C. M. (2015). The distinction between real and fictional worlds: Investigating individual differences in fantasy understanding. Cognitive Development, 36, 111-126.
Martarelli, C. S., Borter, N., Bryjova, J., Mast, F. W., & Munsch, S. (2015). The influence of parent's body mass index on peer selection: An experimental approach using virtual reality. Psychiatry Research, 230, 5-12.
Martarelli, C. S., Gurtner, L. M., & Mast, F. W. (2015). School-age children show a bias toward fantasy classifications after playing platform games. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 4, 351-359.
Hartmann, M., Martarelli, C. S., Mast, F. W., & Stocker, K. (2014). Eye movements during mental time travel follow a diagonal line. Consciousness and Cognition, 30, 201-209.
Martarelli, C. S., & Mast, F. W. (2013). Eye movements during long-term pictorial recall. Psychological Research, 77, 303-309.
Martarelli, C. S., & Mast, F. W. (2013). Is it real or is it fiction? Children’s bias toward reality. Journal of Cognition and Development, 14, 141-153.
Martarelli, C. S., & Mast, F. W. (2011). Preschool children’s eye movements during pictorial recall. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 29, 425-436.
Canevascini, M., Martarelli, C., & Lettieri, K. (2008). Évaluation d'une association régionale de prévention du suicide en Suisse, Santé Publique, 20, 275-284.
Axes de recherche
- Mental imagery and visual memory
- Mind-wandering and boredom
- Comparison of naïve theories and scientific theories
- Virtual reality as methodology in experimental psychology
- Virtual reality to improve learning success
- Teaching and learning research, applied research, interdisciplinarity
- Eye-tracking research
Projets de recherche
Charge de travail et comportements d’apprentissage des étudiant-e-s à distance
Lost in thought: Investigating the impact of mind-wandering on pupillary responses in recognition memory
Boredom and self-control as guiding signals for goal-directed behaviour
The impact of mind-wandering on the precision of episodic memory
L’utilité de la réalité virtuelle dans l’enseignement des sciences naturelles
Drawing as an encoding tool to enhance episodic memory of elderly people
Preschool children’s learning from 3D virtual reality: Investigating the educational impact of the 21st century fairy tales
Using virtual reality to investigate access, fidelity, and vividness of visual mental representations
Distance learning: Individual differences & distributed vs. massed learning
Learning through teaching: Educational applications of virtual reality
Groupes de recherche
Méthodologie et statistiques
Faculté de psychologie