If you’ve decided, would you now like to register? Discover our admission requirements, the documents to be provided and the steps for your registration.
Admission and registration
Registration for the Bachelor in Mathematics
Admission requirements for the Bachelor in Mathematics
For admission to the Bachelor in Mathematics, you need one of the following qualifications:
- federal or Swiss-recognized maturity certificate;
- a Swiss Federal VET baccalaureate certificate, together with the proof of the supplementary examinations (DE / FR) offered by the Swiss Baccalaureate Examination Commission “Passerelle” (University Aptitude Test);
- a diploma from a Swiss university of applied sciences and arts;
- another equivalent Swiss certificate of education in accordance with Appendix A of the Admissions Regulations (DE / FR);
- an equivalent foreign certificate of education in accordance with Appendix B of the Admissions Regulations (DE / FR).
Mathematics level expected for admission
Learning mathematics
Building the fundaments of mathematical education takes time, and getting used to mathematical ways of argumentation also requires a lot of practice and discussion. Thus, the initial phase requires particular endurance and patience, before the students get used to abstract mathematical formalism and argumentation. This can be particularly challenging in an online setting. UniDistance Suisse therefore supports this process with direct contact between the students and between teaching assistants, professor, and students, as well as a more practically oriented first semester.
Previous knowledge in mathematics
The required knowledge in mathematics corresponds to the level of the Swiss Federal Matura. Students who have taken a scientific Matura course are particularly well prepared. For your information, here is a list of subjects that are considered acquired before the beginning of the studies:
- Basic knowledge of algebra and geometry [including: literal calculus, polynomials, equations and inequations, systems of equations, powers and roots, logarithms, exponentials, Pythagoras' theorem, Thales' theorem, areas, volumes, trigonometry in the right triangle, trigonometric circle].
- Functions [characteristics of "usual" functions (affine, quadratic, polynomial, logarithmic, exponential, elementary trigonometric)].
- Limits and asymptotes.
- Differential calculus (derivative number, calculations with derivation rules, first derivative and growth, optimization problems, study of "usual" functions).
- Integral calculus (primitives, calculations of definite integrals, area calculations).
- Vector and analytical geometry (vectors in the plane and the space; bases and components; norm of a vector; scalar product; equations of lines and planes)
- Elements of descriptive statistics (measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion).
- Probability (combinatorial analysis; probability calculations; conditional probabilities; Bayes' theorem; Bernoulli's law and binomial law random variables).
Preparatory course
If you have gaps in any of the subjects and would like to prepare yourself as well as possible before the beginning of your studies, we encourage you to take our preparatory course consisting of a script, exercises and answers. The course is available to all registered students on moodle.
Foreign certificates of education
The terms and conditions of admission specific to individual countries can be found in Appendix B of the Admissions Regulations (DE / FR). It is important to remember that, as well as the necessary certificate of education, the additional terms and conditions of admission listed must also be met.
Final fail
Anyone who, as a result of failing to pass examinations, has been excluded finally from further studies in a comparable course at a Swiss or foreign university or higher education institution cannot be admitted to this course of study at UniDistance Suisse.
Module accreditations
Equivalent academic credits, which have been achieved at universities or higher education institutions, can be transferred, provided that they are judged to be equivalent in terms of scope and content, are suitable for the level, were achieved no longer than five years ago, were completed with a satisfactory grade and has not already been used to obtain a degree (prohibition of double use). The relevant grade is included in the grading.
A minimum of 120 of the 180 ECTS points required for the Bachelor’s degree must be obtained at UniDistance Suisse. Where there are prior achievements, an appropriate application should be made during the online registration.
Taking individual modules
Do you fulfil the admission requirements but would like to take only one or two modules?
UniDistance Suisse offers you this possibility for one semester. Our Student Managers will be pleased to provide information and advise you on the choice of possible modules.
Documents needed for registration
You must apply online. In order to complete the form, we recommend that you have all the information set out below to hand:
- your AVS (social security/national insurance - applicable for people already living or working in Switzerland) number (13 figures);
- all information about your previous academic background;
- your place of residence when you graduated;
- a copy of your access degree;
- a copy of any documents needed for module accreditations (application letter, notes, modules' description);
- a passport photo and a copy of your identity card or of your passport;
- the exact title of your access degree and its obtention date;
- if your surname has changed since obtaining your degree, proof of your change of name.
How do I register? Follow the stages of the registration process
a. Complete the online application form
b. Print out the confirmation of registration
At the end of the form, you will find a document entitled «Confirmation of Registration». This will also be sent to you by e-mail. It must be printed out, dated, signed and sent, together with your documents, before the registration deadline. No application will be processed without these documents.
c. Send in your application
Send a paper copy of all your documents and degrees/diplomas by post, in one envelope, to the following address:
In German:
FernUni Schweiz
Student Services
Churerstrasse 135
8808 Pfäffikon SZ
In French:
UniDistance Suisse
Student services
TechnopĂ´le 5
3960 Sierre
If parts of your application are missing, we will be unable to process it.
You will then receive either a request for additional information if required, or a provisional confirmation of admission together with an invoice for the fees for the first semester.
This invoice must be paid within the stipulated period.
Final confirmation of your registration will take place as soon as your payment has been received.
You are officially matriculated from the first day of the semester (spring semester: February 1st / fall semester: August 1st ).
As this procedure is relatively lengthy, we strongly encourage you to allow sufficient time for processing your application so that you can receive all your documents and access details before the start of the course.
Withdrawing your application
You can withdraw your application before the beginning of the semester. However, an administrative fee will be charged. More details can be found in the Fees Rules (in French and German).
Do you meet the admission requirements and are you familiar with the application process?
Finalise your decision in a few clicks.