You are moving to online assessments and you have a lot of questions? This Vademecum on remote assessment is designed to help you every step of the way:

  • What are the right questions to ask yourself?
  • What are the different options for remote assessment? The Vademecum offers a description of each main type of examination, examples, advantages, disadvantages and recommendations.
  • A checklist of what you need to do to prepare the exam, during the exam and afterwards, for each type of test.
  • A graph showing the exam process from the student's point of view, for each type of exam.
  • And a summary table of all the different modalities and levels of learning that can be measured.

This handbook was designed by Jean-Michel Jullien and Henrietta Carbonel from EDUDL+ at UniDistance and Emmanuel Sylvestre and Jean-François van der Poël from the Centre de Soutien à l'Enseignement at the University of Lausanne.

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