UniDistance Suisse in the Board of the Swiss Society for Economics and Statistics (SSES)
UniDistance Suisse’s Faculty of Economics will be represented on the Board of the Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics (SSES). This election is an important step for UniDistance Suisse and its anchoring in the Swiss academic community.
The SSES is an association comprising all Swiss universities with Faculties of Economics. Its aim is to promote economic research in Switzerland and to strengthen co-operation between national and international researchers. A particular concern of the SSES is the promotion of young economists. It offers them a platform to present their research to a scientific audience.
Prof. Dr. Anthony Strittmatter, Full Professor of Economics, is the first representative of UniDistance Suisse to be elected to the SSES Board. He has conducted research and taught at renowned institutions such as the University of St. Gallen and École Polytechnique in Paris. His research focuses on analysing economic data with the help of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI).
He was elected during the SSES Annual Congress 2024 on Economic Populism, which was held in Lucerne on 6 and 7 June. The congress provides an important opportunity to exchange ideas and research findings on current economic topics.

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