• UniDistance Suisse

UniDistance Suisse and its faculties at a glance, highlights from 2022, news from research and teaching, our balance sheet: find out all about the past year of our university institute in our 2022 annual report.

2022 was both an important anniversary year for UniDistance Suisse, and a year in which decisive steps were taken towards the future, such as the inauguration of the new campus in Brig, the 30th anniversary celebrations, important political decisions, the strengthening of research, the appointment of professors, and the appointment of a new president.
QR codes in the annual report will take you to additional information in images, video or text.

Download the annual report in French or in German.

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[Etudiants] Quelques gestes pour participer activement à un cours à distance

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Chef-fe de Projet Web à 100 %

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Chargé-e de cours pour le module « Psychopathologie : questions approfondies » (9%)

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Chargé-e de cours pour le module « Entretien, conseil et intervention » (18%)

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