Dropping out of distance learning courses
This project is about students discontinuing their distance learning studies.
In September 2017, UniDistance Suisse launched an internal research project with the objective, firstly, of investigating the reasons for and consequences of dropping out of distance learning courses and, secondly, of introducing measures to reduce the drop-out rate.
Research to date on dropping out of studies at distance learning institutions identified three major principles for reducing the drop-out rate and encouraging perseverance: Simplifying academic work, supporting individual education projects and forming and maintaining socio-affective relationships. These three principles require the students to develop general skills with regard to the academic culture as well as the specific digital culture of a distance learning institution.
Based on these insights and the conclusions from the data gathered for the project, the objective is to develop measures to give optimum support to students and to reduce the likelihood of them discontinuing their studies.
Project duration
01.09.2017 - 31.10.2018