Critical studies of education and technology: an invitation to connect - Problematising education and digital technology
UniDistance Suisse & online, Schinerstrasse 18, 3900 Brig
With the rise of social media and the increase in digital interactions, emotions have become ubiquitous online and inextricably related to our behavior online (e.g., Cherbonnier & Michinov, 2022; Steinert & Dennis, 2022; Wadley et al., 2020). In that respect, emotional competence or emotional intelligence (Hughes & Evans, 2018; Mikolajczak, 2009; Salovey & Mayer, 1990) represents an important factor that needs to be related to digital competence. In my presentation, I will introduce a research program designed to investigate digital emotional intelligence as the integration between digital competence and emotional intelligence. The second part of the project focuses on one specific dimension of emotional intelligence - emotional understanding (EU), and its importance in computer-supported collaborative learning.
This talk is part of the series Invited Speakers - Faculty of Psychology. It will take place in Brig, on the groundfloor of UniDistance Suisse's headquarters. You may also join online. The link for participation in the event is the following:
Catherine Audrin teaches in UniDistance Suisse's Master in Psychology. Her research focuses on affective processes involved in learning and decision-making, preferences and choices.
Find out more about Dr. Audrin on her profile page at HEP Vaud.