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Portrait de Gaëlle Molinari
Gaëlle Molinari

Associate Professor in Psychology 

« Distance learning allows you to evolve and to carry out several projects. It develops specific skills: organisation, self-determination, and management of long-term motivation. It may also represent a personal project that comes about due to a change of profession.

Compared to traditional studies, this type of training offers great freedom of organisation: you can work when you want. The close support offered to our students allows them to structure and organise themselves.

As a professor at UniDistance Suisse, I have acquired extensive expertise through the methods I have developed to design and teach a distance course. I invest a lot of time in devising lessons and strive to make my lessons motivating. I like the very rich interactions with the students, and I strive to pass on to them my passion for psychology.

In my eyes, distance learning is the future. I would recommend it to everyone, for example to complete initial training or start a new professional career. It is common to change jobs several times in a lifetime nowadays; distance education fits perfectly into this context. »