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Portrait de Matthias Maalouli-Hartmann
Dr. Matthias Maalouli-Hartmann

Assistant professor and lecturer in psychology at UniDistance Suisse

« Time is precious; yet study time is not always used optimally, since the lecturers often refer to textbook content that you could also read yourself. This is different at UniDistance Suisse: the reduced attendance time forces the lecturers to think carefully about what added value they can offer the students: what is really important and where are additional explanations and discussions required? It is precisely this challenge that appeals to me about UniDistance Suisse, and in my opinion the form of teaching, in combination with the innovative e-learning applications, leads to high quality courses.

I like the concept of distance learning very much, because the increased flexibility makes it possible to reconcile study, work and family. This gives many people access to an academic education. I find the students at UniDistance Suisse very ambitious and motivated, which also promotes the positive learning atmosphere. I have been working on the psychology course at UniDistance Suisse since 2017, and teach general psychology content (perception, thinking, emotion and motivation). My goal is to get students interested in these fundamental topics as well as in psychological research. Â»