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Portrait de Dao Nguyen
Dao Nguyen

Law graduate
Pharmacist, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Head of apprenticeship training at the University of Geneva

« I have always immersed myself in the sciences. I have a degree in pharmacy and a doctorate in pharmaceutical sciences, then I completed my training with a teaching certificate. I have worked in pharmacies, in a cooperative of pharmacists and in the pharmaceutical industry. For 8 years, I have been working at the University of Geneva and am responsible for training laboratory assistants in biology and chemistry. I am passionate about science, but I have always wondered what my life would have been like if I had followed another path, for example that of law!

Thanks to UniDistance Suisse, I was able to keep my full-time job and follow a full high-quality training in law, without having to move from my living room. To successfully manage everything (professional life, private life and studies), you need cast-iron discipline and you have to make sacrifices. I drastically reduced my hobbies and going out, but I didn’t compromise my life as a couple or my professional life. I organised study time slots: one evening a week and every Saturday. This rigorous approach enabled me to arrive calmly at the exams without spending sleepless nights.

Being a student again has allowed me to have a better understanding of my trainees and their concerns as exams are approaching, and I think I have been a better teacher since I went back to school myself.

At UniDistance Suisse, we are fortunate to have excellent law professors, leaders in their field who have been able to pass on their passion. Â»