Une histoire des films et des festivals de film de montagne entre les Alpes et les Rocheuses
Emotion typically enhances memory for the core parts of an event as well as the subjective sense of recollection, but is prone to disrupt memory for context. So far only a few studies have examined the developmental trajectory of this emotion modulation on memory. In this talk, I will present studies that examine the impact of emotion on these memory components (item memory, context memory and the subjective experience of recollection) in adults and in children of different ages. In the second part of my talk, I will present studies that investigate how emotional memory modulation can be influenced, e.g. by cognitive interventions or by different emotion regulation strategies (e.g. emotion suppression, re-appraisal and distraction).
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Dr. Ulrike Rimmele is SNSF Eccellenza Professor in the Emotion and Memory Laboratory of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at the University of Geneva.