How to improve emotional awareness, emotion sharing with peers and emotion regulation in computer-mediated collaboration?
EATMINT (affective computing and emotion awareness tools for computer-mediated interaction) is a NCCR affective Sciences project. Two main focus :
- A psychology focus. Three experimental studies on : a group awareness tool for the social sharing of emotions and its effect on collaboration (Study 1) ; the relation between achievement emotions and computer-supported collaboration processes (Study 2) ; mutual emotion modelling and its effect on regulation (Study 3).
- An affective computing focus dedicated to the detection of emotional informations in computer-mediated collaboration settings. The long-term goal is to develop systems able to provide emotion-based guidance for collaboration.

Coordinator, psychology focus, University of Geneva & UniDistance Suisse

Sunny Avry PhD student supervised by Gaëlle Molinari, University of Geneva & UniDistance Suisse

Guillaume Chanel Coordinator, affective computing focus, CISA & Université de Genève

Mireille Bétrancourt Head of the project, psychology focus, University of Geneva

Thierry Pun Head of the project, affective computing focus, University of Geneva