Uni60+ : Wie funktioniert eigentlich ein KI-Chatbot?
KI-Chatbots interagieren mit uns, doch was steckt dahinter? Lernen Sie die Funktionsweise intelligenter Sprachmaschinen kennen.
La faculté de mathématiques et d'informatique organise régulièrement des événements pour un public académique, dont le UniDistance Suisse Mathematics Colloquium, qui a lieu deux fois par semestre.
Uni60+ : Wie funktioniert eigentlich ein KI-Chatbot?
KI-Chatbots interagieren mit uns, doch was steckt dahinter? Lernen Sie die Funktionsweise intelligenter Sprachmaschinen kennen.
Multivariate cryptography and the hardness of polynomial system solving
Talk by Elisa Gorla, Université de Neuchâtel
Abstract : TBA
Information webinar on the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics programme
We will briefly introduce UniDistance Suisse, the curriculum and the flexibility of our study model. All questions are welcome.
Area-preserving transformations and symplectic geometry
Talk by Sobhan Seyfaddini, ETHZ
Abstract : In an influential article from the 1970s, Albert Fathi, having proven that the group…
Uniform Approximation of the Smallest Eigenvalue of a Large Parameter-Dependent Hermitian Matrix
Talk by Emre Mengi, Koc University
We consider the uniform approximation of the smallest eigenvalue of a large parameter-dependent…
Inaugural Lecture : The Legacy of Fermat's last Theorem
By Prof. Dr David Loeffler
Random graphs as models of quantum disorder
Talk by Antti Knowles, Université de Genève
A disordered quantum system is mathematically described by a large Hermitian…
The Swiss Number Theory Days will be held on the 11th and 12th of October 2024 at UniDistance Suisse in Brig (Wallis).
Information webinar on the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics programme
. We will briefly introduce UniDistance Suisse, the curriculum and the flexibility of our study model. All questions are welcome.
Information webinar on the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics programme
. We will briefly introduce UniDistance Suisse, the curriculum and the flexibility of our study model. All questions are welcome.
KinderUni: Die Welt der Geheimnachrichten
Wie verschlĂĽsselt man Geheimnachrichten mit Mathematik zu einem Geheimtext und wie entschlĂĽsselt man sie wieder?
Hard Lefschetz theorem and Hodge-Riemann relations for convex valuations
Talk by Andreas Bernig, Goethe Universität Frankfurt
The so-called Kähler package consists of a Poincaré duality, a hard Lefschetz theorem…
2nd Brig Workshop on Dissipativity in Systems and Control
The workshop will take place in the assembly hall of the new campus building of UniDistance Suisse and Fernfachhochschule Schweiz (Schinerstrasse 18,…
This is the second meeting of the Arithmetica Transalpina, a joint Number Theory seminar between ETH Zürich, UniDistance Suisse and the Universities…
Uni60+ : Künstliche Intelligenz – eine kurze Einführung
Mittels einfach zugänglichen Beispielen werden in diesem Webinar die mathematischen Grundideen der künstlichen Intelligenz erklärt
Saddle-Point Problems in Computational and Fracture Mechanics: modeling and efficient solution
Talk by Talk by Marco Favino, USI and lecturer at UniDistance Suisse
Information webinar on the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics programme
. We will briefly introduce UniDistance Suisse, the curriculum and the flexibility of our study model. All questions are welcome.
Série de webinaires sur l'IA : un voyage artistique avec l’IA
Découvrez comment les artistes peuvent utiliser l'intelligence artificielle comme un outil pour créer de nouvelles formes d'art.
SMS Fall Meeting : Swiss Geometry Day
The fall meeting of the Swiss Mathematical Society takes place on the UniDistance Suisse Campus in Brig in the form of a Geometry Day. Everyone is…
Talk by Helmut Harbrecht, University of Basel
UniDistance Suisse Mathematics Colloquium is a series of hour-long talks organised by the mathematics…
Information meeting on the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics programme
Study Mathematics at UniDistance Suisse!
Take part in our information webinar for the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics. We will briefly…
KinderUni: Die Welt der Geheimnachrichten: Geheimnisse verschlĂĽsseln und entschlĂĽsseln
In der Vorlesung werdet ihr lernen, wie man Nachrichten auf verschiedene Weisen zu einem Geheimtext verschlüsselt und auch wieder entschlüsselt, um…
Stochastic Mirror Descent for Convex Optimization with Consensus Constraints
Talk by Panos Parpas, Imperial College London
UniDistance Suisse Mathematics Colloquium is a series of hour-long talks organised by the mathematics…
Knots, Möbius bands, and inscribed rectangles
Talk by Peter Feller, ETH ZĂĽrich
UniDistance Suisse Mathematics Colloquium is a series of hour-long talks organised by the mathematics faculty. They…
Riemannian optimization methods for nonlinear eigenvector problems
Talk by Tatjana Stykel, University of Augsburg
UniDistance Suisse Mathematics Colloquium is a series of hour-long talks organised by the mathematics…
Quantitative estimates for geometric variational problems
Talk by Professor Melanie Rupflin, University of Oxford
UniDistance Suisse Mathematics Colloquium is a series of hour-long talks organised by the…
Workshop «Trends on dissipativity in systems and control»
The workshop will address recent progress on dissipativity in systems and control, including (but is not limited to):
the exploitation of…
Harmonic maps to singular spaces
Talk by Christine Breiner, Brown University
UniDistance Suisse Mathematics Colloquium is a series of hour-long talks organised by the mathematics…
Data-driven modeling of dynamical systems: A systems theoretic perspective
Talk by Serkan Gugercin, Virginia Tech
UniDistance Suisse Mathematics Colloquium is a series of hour-long talks organised by the mathematics faculty.…
Scientific machine learning of dynamical systems with operator inference and re-projection
Talk by Benjamin Peherstorfer, New York University
UniDistance Suisse Mathematics Colloquium is a series of hour-long talks organised by the…
The non-Abelian X-ray transform
Talk by Gabriel Paternain, University of Cambridge
UniDistance Suisse Mathematics Colloquium is a series of hour-long talks organised by the…