vendredi 27 octobre 2023
Toute la journée
Lausanne and online

Digital Skills Thematic study days

We strongly recommend participation in the following thematic days organised within the Swissuniversities project “Future university”, in collaboration with UniL. They will take place in Brig and Lausanne. They will feature guest speakers, teachers’ testimonies and workshops to explore each theme in-depth. Lectures and testimonies are offered in bimodal mode (physical presence or distance), and the workshops will take place in physical presence.

When: Friday, October 27th, 2023

Where: Lausanne and online


Université de Lausanne
Institut de hautes Ă©tudes en administration publique
IDHEAP Learning Lab
Rue de la Mouline 28 1022 Chavannes-près-Renens





  • 9:00: Welcome
  • 9:15-10:45: Workshop on-campus - UNIL, IDHEAP, Learning Lab
  • 10:45-12:30: Coffee break
  • 11:15-12:30: Conference on-campus (Lausanne) & online
  • 12:30: Sandwich break

Download and share the event flyer



Exploring Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education: Enhancing Learning through Immersive Experiences

Virtual and augmented reality as well as hybrid environment have the potential to support education by providing immersive, interactive experiences that engage students in ways that traditional teaching methods cannot. In this workshop, we will propose you to discover the principles and technologies behind VR and AR, and how they can be applied in the classroom.

During the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to experience VR and AR firsthand, using a variety of devices and applications and explore practical examples of how VR and AR can be used in education, including simulations, virtual field trips, and interactive learning games. By the end of the workshop, participants will have a better understanding of the educational potential of VR and AR.

Introduce teachers to the concepts of VR and AR, and how they can be used in education.
Provide an overview of the different VR and AR platforms and tools available.
Explore practical examples of how VR and AR can be used in the classroom to enhance teaching and learning.




Opportunities and Challenges of VR & AR in Higher Education

The keynote presentation will explore the potential advantages and obstacles associated with the utilisation of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies within the context of higher education.

It will explore those topics :

  • Motivation : From Flatland to active Immersion
  • Concepts, Features and Technologies of Extended Realities
  • Potential and Practice for Use in Higher Education
  • Persistent and Collaborative Virtual Learning Environments
  • Current Trends : Mixed Reality, Co-location, EduVerses, …

Our speaker

Prof. Rolf Kruse

Rolf Kruse is Professor of Digital Media and Design at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt, Germany.

Originally trained as an architect, he came into contact with VR at the Fraunhofer Institute in Darmstadt in the early 1990s and helped launch the first VR center. Since then, he has many years of experience in designing and implementing interactive spatial media with innovative technologies. Be it in the field of urban planning (with Art+Com, Berlin, 1994 1997), mixed reality serious games and mediatecture installations (with Invirt GmbH, 1997ff.) or the "Cybernarium Edutainment Center" (a Fraunhofer spin-off in Darmstadt 2002-2005) - always using the latest media technologies to convey complex knowledge to empower people.

Currently his research focus is on " Immersive Learning " : the application of XR technology in education and training. Since many years he is an active part of the German academic community as conference chair, speaker and reviewer. He is founder of the academic network " uniVERSEty ", where many universities share their concepts and experiences with multiuser virtual learning environments.

Information and registration

You can find all the information and registration details at the following address:

Add the event to your calendar

By downloading the ics file of the event, you can then easily add it to your Outlook calendar (by simply opening it and selecting Outlook) or to your Google Calendar by following these instructions.

The P8 projet - Future University

The project Futur University: Developing the digital skills of teachers and students conducted by the University of Lausanne and UniDistance Suisse is part of the 2021-2024 programme P-8 Strengthening digital skills in education funded by swissuniversities.
Until 2024, several training programmes for the acquisition of digital skills for teaching and learning in higher education will be created, run and shared with Swiss universities and high schools.


Want to know more?

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