mardi 26 mai 2026
10:00 - 10:00
FernUni Schweiz - UniDistance Suisse, Schinerstrasse 18, 3900 Brig



Date and Venue

Tuesday, 26 May 2026 - Friday, 29 May 2026, at the premises of UniDistance Suisse in Brig (Switzerland).

The workshop program will begin on Tuesday, 9am and will end on Friday after lunch.

The workshop will take place in the assembly hall of the new campus building of UniDistance Suisse and Fernfachhochschule Schweiz (Schinerstrasse 18, 3900 Brig, Switzerland).


The registration platform will open in fall 2025.

Registration Fee

The registration fee will be determined in fall 2025. Board and lodging will have to be covered by each participant individually.

Financial Support

We will apply for funding from Swiss National Science Foundation (link to to cover travel costs for a limited number of early career researchers. Further information will follow in fall 2025.


Participants are requested to book their accommodation individually. A limited amount of hotel rooms has been reserved for the workshop until 15 March 2026. The following hotels can be booked with the reference "Workshop FernUni":

Further hotel contingents will be reserved soon.


Brig is well-connected to major cities in Switzerland and abroad. There are direct train connections from/to Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Zürich, and Milano. The nearest airports are in Milano-Malpensa, Zürich, and Geneva.

Important Dates

  • 15 February 2026: Deadline for submission of abstracts,
  • 28 February 2026: Notification of abstract acceptance/rejection,
  • 15 March 2026: Deadline for registration and booking accommodation from the reserved room contigent,
  • 26-29 May 2026: Workshop.

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